HOWEVER today I went to order more and FAIL! Not listed on the site at all. I am kind of an over buyer when it comes to juice so I do kind of lose track of what I have but this was a juice that if I forgot about it and re-discovered it in my collection I would break it out and vape my face off with it. I usually bought 4圆0mls at a time and would vape the first 2 bottles pretty quick and then I would take a break for maybe as little as a month and as long as 4 months if I forgot about it. Maybe they do sell it yet but not online? Maybe the 2 hours of hunting on their site I just did was NOT thorough enough and I missed it? Damn it there are not many juices that I love and will always stay stocked up on but Orphan Tears was kind of one of them. Now I have no idea if that has any truth to it but I mention it as a possible clue as to why FUZION does not sell it anymore. Even though I'm always losing I have a much better experience with the melee community.OK does anyone know what or if I can convey my frustration by saying WTF instead of just "what" happened to Orphan Tears? It is not on Fuzion's site!!! 2 years ago (maybe 3 by now) when I first was told about it I remember FUZION was not the original creator and that they bought the recipe and rights from the actual creator. When I played ultimate, every 3 or 4 games was someone cheesing with projectiles and teabagging after every KO, which always left me tilted at the end of a session. Despite getting bodied for hundreds of games online, only one person has ever repeatedly taunted me. One thing that I've also come to appreciate is how positive the community is overall. I also joined the newbie discord, and mixing in some matches with other new players has made the online experience much, much better. Now you just hit search and within 10 seconds your in a game. Previously I used anthers ladder, and the process of finding someone in your region, messaging them, setting up slippi and frame buffers, just to get utterly demolished for 3-10 games in a row was horrible. My inputs feel crisp and the integrated matchmaking is incredible. After Ray had started YFM, he asked Wax if he wanted to be on a track, which he agreed to, giving us. Long before YFM, Ray William Johnson was a big fan of Wax, and even made one of his songs, Stalkin' Your Mom, the outro song in episodes of 3. He was featured on ORPHAN TEARS and STALKIN' YOUR MOM. Rollback slippi is the best online fighting game experience I've ever had. Wax is an American rapper and was a frequent collaborator in Gen 1 of Your Favorite Martian. Tempering my expectations about what I'll be able to achieve has helped keep me motivated. Yesterday I landed a reverse-needle-cancel ledge hog for the first time against a player, and it felt sick. I still get bodied by virtually everyone on netplay, but landing a single wavedash back into whiff punish grab feels really good. I probably spend 60-70% of my playtime in training or vs CPUs just practicing dash dancing, dash-cancel tilt, wavedash/land, etc and it's starting to pay off. Now I'm just barely starting to get the hang of movement and basic tech. I knew getting into melee would come with a steep learning curve, but losing every single game by a huge margin for multiple weeks was tough. Online was just a constant state of hitstun as verterans eat you up and spit you out. Try to grab and my shield comes out, try dash dancing and my character slowly turns around in place, try to upair and I double jump, try tilt attack and get dash or smash attack. The extremely precise, un-buffered movement is hard to get used to, and at first it was impossible to do what I wanted. The first couple weeks felt bad - really bad.